
Installation Guide: Article or Blog Post Schema

Written by Chetan | Jul 31, 2023 4:00:16 PM

1. Install the Module

Search the "Article or Blog Post Schema" module in the HubSpot Marketplace. Click on the module listing and select "Install" to add the module to your HubSpot account.
Prior to implementing this schema, it is recommended to disable the structured data toggle button. This can be done by navigating to settings > website > blog > general and scrolling to the bottom to find the structured data toggle button.
You can watch the installation video here: 

2. Module Access

After installation, you can access the "Article or Blog Post Schema" module by searching from the "Add" or " + " tab in your HubSpot Page Editor dashboard.

Module Setup

1. Creating a New Blog Post

Navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog > select "Blog Posts" to create a new blog post. Click on "Create" to start a new blog post. 

2. Adding the Module

In the blog post editor, click on the "+" icon to add a new module. Search for "Article or Blog Post Schema" and select it from the module library.

3. Fill in Module Details

Provide the required information in the module fields:

  • Choose Schema Type: Select the appropriate schema type for your blog post (e.g., Article, BlogPosting, etc.).
  • Custom Featured Image: If needed, add the URL of the featured image for your blog post.
  • Article Sections: Enter relevant sections or categories for your blog post.
  • Organization Name: Specify the name of your organization (optional).
  • Organization URL: Add the URL of your organization's website (optional).
  • Organization Logo URL: Provide the URL of your organization's logo (optional).
  • Organization Social Media Links: If available, add social media links for your organization.

4. Other Important Implementation Details

All essential details, such as the blog post title and description, will be automatically populated from the page settings. The published date will be set to the first publication date, and the modified date will be updated based on recent modifications. Keywords will be extracted from the tags in the page settings. The word count will be calculated automatically and rounded to the nearest value. The estimated time to read will be calculated using the formula: a timeRequired = wordCount/200 Minutes. Additionally, author information will be fetched from the selected author in the page settings."

5. Save and Publish

Review your module settings to ensure accuracy and completeness. Click on "Save" to save your module changes. Once your blog post is ready, click "Publish" to make it live on your website.

Source Code Looks Like This

Best Practices

  • Provide Accurate Details: Ensure that all information entered in the module accurately represents your blog post content.
  • Format Featured Image: Use an appropriate image size and format for the featured image.
  • Organize Article Sections: Categorize your blog post into relevant sections for better indexing.
  • Include Author Information: Add author details and social media links for better attribution.
  • Test Structured Data: Check the structured data validity using Google's Structured Data Testing Tool.

Things to Avoid

  1. Don't add this module to Website pages or Landing Pages It will not work on these pages.
  2. Always choose the author from the page settings.
  3. If you have already selected a featured image in the page settings, it is not recommended to override it.


For any questions or assistance with the "Article or Blog Post Schema" module, please reach out to our support team at We are here to help you optimize your blog posts for enhanced search visibility and user experience.

Note: The "Article or Blog Post Schema" module provides structured data to improve the appearance of your blog posts in search results. Follow the setup guide to maximize the impact of this module on your blog post-SEO.